Happy Thoughts w/ Ivy Miller
@ivuss — 334k followers on Instagram
Ivy Miller (@ivuss) is the human equivalent to a Swiss Army Knife. She is a phenomenal surfer and snowboarder, a hilarious comedian, excellent writer and artist, all packaged up in a jaw droppingly beautiful package. We caught up with our friend Ivy, to pick her brain a bit...
What have you been up to this year Ivy?
🙂 Some sneaky exciting new work and running off finding waves and friends in fun beautiful places.

What got you into Comedy?
I feel like comedy is something you just fall into. If we're talking standup comedy specific, then I got myself into it by reluctantly walking myself into open mics in LA when I was in my early 20s. Not fun, but good character building and eventually people wanted to see more of me.
Who makes you laugh?
Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Kathryn Hahn, Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig... Authenticity in any form.

Where do you find your Happy Place at home?
Literally at home with my dog Moby in my arms, on the deck, watching the sunset with my parents and some wine.